Brass and Woodwind Repairs

Enquire about repairs and servicing
Please let us now if you have any questions about our repairs and servicing
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Woodwind servicing includes sterilising instrument & mouth-piece, replacement of up to 4 pads, key corks, head cork and all adjustments required. It does not include replacement of tenon corks– if these are required a quote will be submitted.
If more than 4 pads are required a quote will be submitted. All overhauls and reconditioning work will require a quote. All quotes will be submitted via text and needs to be accepted in writing (text) prior to commencement of work.
Brass servicing includes ultrasonic sterilising and cleaning of instrument & mouthpiece & replacement of water key corks. It does not include rolling out dents, items stuck in instrument or soldering parts back on- if these are required a quote will be submitted via text and needs to be accepted in writing (text) prior to commencement of work. * please note: due to the need use heat, dent removal and soldering can cause damage to the finish of the instrument. Dent removal will leave creases.
Please let us now if you have any questions about our repairs and servicing
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